Mobile Max
Video Security Trailer

Portable Perimeter Detection and Alert-Based Monitoring

Order TODAY - Delivered & Operational in 2-3 Weeks!

Why Mobile Max is the Ultimate Solution

Quick Set-Up

● Choose what to monitor

● Unit setup and configuration

● Activate the unit and customize

Easy Transport

● Designed for easy movement between job sites & locations

● Certified field technicians provide proper set-up/take-down

Always on Duty

● Cameras work in rain, fog, snow, dark of night

● Monitor day/night from anywhere using your smartphone

Hardware Components

Software Components

Customize Your Analytics

Our command center empowers you to track, organize, and store incidents, false alarms, notes, and more. Tailor your focus to the activity that matters most, and develop personalized analytics to identify trends, anticipate patterns, and optimize your security setup.

Monitor Anything,
Anytime, Anywhere

Mobile Max outsmarts criminals by providing real-time monitoring and advanced features:

● Motion detection

● Night vision, operates in the most challenging weather conditions

● Real-time live alerts

With the ability to relocate quickly and adapt to any environment, these systems make it nearly impossible for intruders to avoid detection.


Order TODAY - Delivered & Operational in 2-3 Weeks!

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Serving World Class Companies Since 2009