Trailers and Skids with Solar Power
● Solar Electric Powered
● Wireless Communications
● Cameras, Lights, Sirens
We specialize in off-grid, battery & solar powered wireless intrusion detection systems to protect job sites, remote locations and challenging projects
Serving World Class Companies Since 2009
Skid Mounted 3200 Watts - Larger Sizes Available
Skid mounted solar plants can sit on the ground or on a flat bed trailer or on top of a 20’ to 40’ shipping container.
Trailer Mounted - Up to 2000 Watts, Portable & Highway Legal
Mobile solar powered security trailers are perfect for
● Construction job sites
● Live events
● Gas and oil industry
● Mining sites
● Off-grid locations
Intrusion Detection Components

Lights, Sirens, Strobes & Loudspeakers with Two-Way Talk Down
Siren, strobe & loudspeaker
Strobe light
LED white & infrared lighting
Central Station Monitoring Service
A verified video alarm is a PRIORITY ONE RESPONSE from the police
24/7/365 security. If a human or vehicle has been confirmed, central station monitoring will either dispatch the police or turn on the sirens/strobes, or both, depending on your instructions.
Other System Types to Consider