Battery Powered Wireless Sensors

Monitor Anything, Anytime, Anywhere

Serving World Class Companies Since 2009

We specialize in off-grid, battery & solar powered wireless intrusion detection systems
to protect job sites, remote locations and challenging projects

Wireless Sensors Tell Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras Where to Point

● Process Control

● Security & Perimeter Access Control

● Temperature and Environmental Monitoring

● Condition Based Monitoring

● Water Level, including irrigation systems, tank level, and flood control

● Structural Systems Monitoring

● Agricultural, including silo monitoring

● Smart Parking Systems

Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras + Sensors at Work

One PTZ camera does the work of multiple fixed cameras!

Battery powered wireless sensors can be up to 2 miles away from your PTZ camera. When a sensor is triggered, the PTZ camera will instantly ‘slew-to-cue’ to that specific sensor location.

Hundreds of types of battery powered wireless sensors are available, ranging from security to process control to monitoring of environmental conditions.

Protect Your Facilities with Our Modular Design & Smart Technology Solutions