Videofied 3G Sunset is Happening Now

Are you prepared?

Videofied XTO640 4G LTE Control Panels IN STOCK - Learn More

Upgrade to 4G LTE

If you purchased a video verified alarm system, manufactured by Videofied prior to January 1, 2020, your system will stop working after the 3G network shutdown. If you are looking for an alternative Videofied supplier, we can help you update your system so it keeps protecting your projects.

We have a cost effective solution to keep your video verified alarm system protecting your job site.

What are your options?

Once your 3G panel quits working, you will no longer have a functioning video verified alarm system to protect your assets. It may take weeks or months to get a new LTE panel installed, due to potential parts shortages. Doing nothing is risky and could cause a lapse in your construction site security.

Your 3G control panel with a new LTE control panel  – eliminates the possibility of having your system cease to function when you least expect it. We will send you a new LTE panel to replace your older 3G panel. It can be installed in an hour or two, depending on the total number of devices to be programmed in. This method will ensure that your system is ready to be armed and working the same day you receive your new LTE panel, meaning you don’t have any downtime and your site stays protected.

Stop Crime BEFORE it Happens!

  • Prevent crime 24/7 with a video verified intrusion detection system

  • A verified video alarm is a PRIORITY ONE RESPONSE from the police, it is a verified “crime in progress”

  • 100% wireless and battery powered, no wiring or AC power required

  • Easy to move system to another job site, different project location

  • Over 1 million installations worldwide

Watch Jim Flick’s 2 minute video

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Serving World Class Companies Since 2009