Did You Know You Have A Smart Siren/Strobe? – Tech Talk #22

Your siren/strobe can do things no other siren can do! It can tell the difference between an intruder and a raccoon or an intruder and flapping plastic and which one needs to have the siren/strobe activated. It also knows the difference between daylight and darkness and knows if neighboring dwelling units have people sleeping that would be disturbed by the siren being activated! Advanced technology is amazing, and RadiusVision is on the cutting edge providing you with options few other companies can match. Is your siren equipped job site located near dwelling units that are complaining to your company about their sleep being interrupted by false alarms?

Don’t let that damage your company reputation, we have the answer. Just let us know what hours you would like your site to be “silent” and the hours you would like the siren to be activated. All siren equipped existing RadiusVision sites are already “smart”, with the siren activating ONLY when humans or moving vehicles are detected inside the fence. Just let us know if you need additional selective noise abatement and we will make it happen.


Customizing Each Camera’s Police Response – Tech Talk #23


Moving Your Videofied System? – Tech Talk #21