Arming Your System After a Camera Tamper - Tech Talk #28

When your system arms after a camera tamper, it acts differently as the system resets the
tamper(s). If you are arming using the outdoor prox tag reader this can be confusing
watching the reader’s two LED lights, so let’s talk about the two different scenarios.

Normal Arming, No Camera Tamper:
After properly presenting your RFID tag to the reader both LED lights will illuminate, one
red and one green for about 3 seconds and then extinguish. The upper LED will then start
flashing red at about one flash per second and stay flashing FOREVER, until the system is
disarmed. When you present your tag to disarm, both LED lights will illuminate green for
about 3 seconds indicating the system is disarmed followed by both LED lights going dark.

Arming With a Camera Tamper:
After properly presenting your RFID tag to the reader both LED lights will illuminate, one
red and one green for about 3 seconds and then extinguish. The upper LED will NOT start
flashing red, instead both LED lights will illuminate green for about 3 seconds as though
the system just DISARMED! The system is now resetting the camera tamper(s) and both
LED lights will remain dark until the system is finished with the tamper reset(s). This can
take several minutes and the most important thing here is DO NOT PRESENT YOUR TAG
TO THE READER while the system is resetting the tamper(s)! Let it complete the reset
process. When the system has completed the tamper reset process for all tampered
cameras both LED lights will AGAIN light up, one red and one green for about 3 seconds
followed by the upper LED light flashing red at about one flash per second and stay
flashing FOREVER, until the system is disarmed. When you present your tag to disarm,
both LED lights will illuminate green for about 3 seconds indicating the system is disarmed followed by both LED lights going dark.

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Videofied Camera Tutorial – Tech Talk #27